Sunday, December 20, 2009

Onegai Teacher

Posted by ziram210 at 7:47 AM

Onegai Teacher
(おねがい☆ティーチャーOnegai ☆ Teacher) is an unusual story about a boy who suffers a unique illness that force his world to stop for 3 years after witnessing his sister suicide at the rooftop of their school. At the beginning of the story Kei Kusanagi is living his life anew with his classmates who knew nothing of his case. As Kei had established himself in his new surroundings, a Galactic Federation starship had entered Earth's atmosphere stealthily, landed in Lake Kizaki. The story begins with Kei, while in the vicinity of the lake, witnessing several unexplainable phenomena happening there, and then watching as a beautiful half-human alien named Mizuho Kazami materializes beside the shore. The next day Kei was surprised that Mizuho Kazami was their new teacher and that her apartment is next to his uncle's house.When he tried to help his teacher move in her apartment his illness came and Mizuho tries to find a cure to his illness. This is the beginning of a friendship that rapidly becomes more intimate.
Genre: Romantic, drama, sci-fi

>I was very moved with this anime because it  made me feel that love has no boundaries .<


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