Friday, April 16, 2010

Itazura no kiss

Posted by ziram210 at 9:41 AM
Itazura na Kiss (イタズラなKiss Playful Kiss) is a story about a girl named Kotoko Aihara finally tells a fellow senior named Naoki that she has loved him from afar since she saw him on their first day of high school. However, Naoki, a super smart and sports talented, rejects her offhand. Fate intervenes when a mild earthquake ruins Kotoko's family house. While the house gets rebuilt, Kotoko and her dad stay at the home of her dad's childhood friend...whose son is Naoki.

Genre: Romantic comedy, slice of life story
>anime is cute.. i have also watched the live action of this but the anime is the best ! and i reaaly like tough hard to get guuuys to fall in love cause when they do they become super sweet and romantic :p <

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