Monday, April 12, 2010


Posted by ziram210 at 5:45 AM

Nana (ナナ) is a story of two girls both named Nana, one comes from a small town and follows her friends and boyfriend to Tokyo with the hope of having the dream life that she wishes for. The other comes to Tokyo with the goal of making it big with her band, Black Stones. The two Nanas meet on a train ride, then later while looking at the same apartment and decide to rent it together. The series chronicles their friendship and their lives as each chases their dreams.

Genre Drama Romance Music

Anime profile:

Name: Nana Komatsu


       Name: NanaOsaki

 >I like the anime so much because a girl can truly relate to this anime. It has so much emotions and the two characters shows two sides of a woamn...falling in love and pride<


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